This year’s reading list begins with two books that will challenge readers to re-evaluate their understanding of what Christian faith demands of them. Platt’s and Chan’s books are hard-hitting looks at what Christianity has come to be in American culture and the implications for our lives individually and in the church of getting it right. Wright’s book is an opportunity to deepen the reader’s understanding of who Jesus Christ is from the perspective of the Scriptures that were available to the early church. (See my review of the book here.) Piper challenges us to think about thinking, arguing against the anti-intellectualism that has become a part of our culture, particularly in evangelical Christianity. The shelves of bookstores are full of how to books arguing for techniques for improving our prayer lives, but Packer and Nystrom’s book points to the why, which is so much more important and if understood in light of some the earlier readings will naturally help us with the how. Finally, Stott’s classic work will help clarify the significance of the cross to our lives, faith, and ministry.
- Jan-Feb: Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt
- Mar-Apr: Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan
- May-Jun: Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament by Christopher J. H. Wright
- Jul-Aug: Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God by John Piper
- Sep-Oct: Praying: Finding Our Way Through Duty to Delight by Packer & Nystrom
- Nov-Dec: The Cross of Christ by John Stott.
Hope you enjoy these recommended books and that reading them will help you take the next step in becoming disciple-making disciples.